West Rim Trail - PA - May 2001
The West Rim Trail follows the "Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania". Three of us with the Wilmington Trail Club did this as a 3 day, ~31 mile trip on a nice weekend in April. We left our cars at the North end and paid a local outfitter to shuttle us to the South end. They will also allow you to park your car in their porcupine free parking lot. You could easily do this as a 2 day trip but we elected to stop and smell the roses. You basically have to go 15 miles to get to the first established campsite, then its your choice to go 10 miles to another good campsite, or just power out the last 16 and go back to your car. I found the Southern end of the trail to be kind of boring but the scenic vistas on the Northern end of the trail are worth the trip. The other good part about going South to North is there is a store where you can buy ice cream at the North end on your way out!
I'm too lazy to pull the pictures out and scan them in. I have included a scan of the trail map. You can get a full size free copy from the DCNR in Pennsylvania.
West Rim Trail Map Upper Section
West Rim Trail Map Lower Section